Redacție 0760 013 746, 0726 390 815 Tipografie 0799 210 566 Librărie 0760 013 746
Relații cu publicul redacție: luni-vineri 9.00-13.00


  • An aparitie: 2019
  • Numar de pagini: 150
  • Format: B5
  • ISBN: 978-606-16-1059-4
  • Limba textului: engleză

25,00 lei

From billboards, print advertisement and the Internet through to TV spots, advertising uses various channels to convince the potential customer to buy a certain product or brand. Companies use advertising that is an omnipresent form of modern popular culture, as a communication tool to promote their brands and products to a mass audience in order to generate sales. Therefore, the message within the advertisement has to be as persuasive as possible to ensure that among other things pleasurable emotions and ideas are awakened in the consumer that are supposed to be linked to the product and brand to fulfill its mission – increase sales volume.

Within this thesis interdisciplinary approaches for deciphering messages of selected car advertising were used. Multiple methods and paradigms such as cultural studies, media communication, semiotics, and psychoanalysis, were applied in order to analyze TV spots and print advertisements from a variety of angles. The results reveal that archetypes, symbols, and mythical narratives are a permanent feature of contemporary car advertising.



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