Redacție 0760 013 746, 0726 390 815 Tipografie 0799 210 566 Librărie 0760 013 746
Relații cu publicul redacție: luni-vineri 9.00-13.00


  • An aparitie: 2012
  • Numar de pagini: 154
  • Format: B5
  • ISSN; ISSN-L: 2069-9239

23,00 lei

Articles: Henk van Riemsdijk, Doubling trouble: Some remarks on who-concord in Swiss-German; Ion Giurgea and Eva-Maria Remberger, Verum focus and polar questions; Daniela Isac, Imperatives are modal; Alina-Mihaela Tigau, The accusative morpheme –(y)i in Turkish and differential object marking in Romanian; Viorela-Valentina Dima, How do adjectival modifiers contribute to the temporal interpretation of nominals?; Andrei A. Avram, Some phonological changes in Maltese reflected in onomastics; Simona Mazilu, The use of analogy in pro-life argumentation; Zsuzsanna Ajtony, The language of the hybrid: Verbal manifestations of identity and alterity in G. B. Shaw’s John Bull’s Other Island; Reviews: Pingali Sailaja, Indian English (Reviewed by Gabriela Anidora Brozbă); Ruxandra Drăgan, Aspects of Lexical Structure: Verbs in Locative Constructions in English and Romanian (Reviewed by Imola-Ágnes Farkas); Marcin Walczyński, A Living Language. Selected Aspects of Tok Pisin in the Press (on the Basis of Wantok Newspaper) (Reviewed by Andrei A. Avram)



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