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Relații cu publicul redacție: luni-vineri 9.00-13.00


  • Autor: Monica BOTTEZ
  • An aparitie: 2010
  • Numar de pagini: 342
  • Format: A5
  • ISBN: 978-973-737-826-2

30,50 lei

Monica Bottez’s Infinite Horizons: Canadian Fiction in English, first edition (2004) was the first volume of studies devoted to Canadian literature in Romania, offering thus the oportunity to Romanian readers to become acquainted with a rich literature that has been little and unsystematically known so far. The initial selection of the first edition has been expanded to twenty-five novelists in this second edition, Monica Bottez singling out for discussion some of the most representative Anglophone writers and thus giving a rich panoramic picture of the Canadian literary landscape. The first edition of this book would not have been possible without the generous support of two Faculty Enrichment grants offered by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (1998, 2002), and a research grant for the North American Studies Institute of the Free University, Berlin (1999).


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