Redacție 0760 013 746, 0726 390 815 Tipografie 0799 210 566 Librărie 0760 013 746
Relații cu publicul redacție: luni-vineri 9.00-13.00


  • An aparitie: 2012
  • Numar de pagini: 134
  • Format: A4
  • ISSN; ISSN-L: 1844-7260

24,00 lei

Cuprins / Contents: The Hydrogeomorphological System in the Concepts of Geomorphometry and of Modern Morphological Theories. Applications to Hazard and Risk Diagnosis in Areas of the Romanian Plain (CNCSIS PROJECT PN II – IDEI code 1954/2009); The Fluvial Geomorphology of the Călmățui River in the Teleorman County; Analiza morfometrică a crovurilor din Câmpia Română de est / Morphometric Analysis of Microdepressions in Areas From Eastern Romanian Plain; Nouveaux schémas de l’agriculture saharienne en Algérie: imagerie satellitale et bases de données géographiques comme outils d’analyse et de suivi; The Correlation Between Drainage Density and Relief Energy Within the Eșelnița Basin; Empirical Study Concerning the Main Danube Defile Geosites: Some Tourists’ Reflections; Comparaison entre deux Modèles Numérique d’Altitudes (MNA) réalisés par interférométrie radar RSO (INSAR) pour étudier les mouvements de terrain (glissements de terrain et coulées de boue) dans la région de Buzau (Roumanie); Note regarding the factors causing snow avalanches; Morphometric Aspects in Săsăuș River Basin; The influence of Geological Structure and Lithology in the Topography of Mislea Basin; Aspects Regarding to Ecological Reconstruction at Copșa Mică Area; The Geomorphometry Analysis. Case Studies in Drainage Basins Representative as Relief; Amenajările hidrotehnice de pe râul Argeș: între necesitate energetică și impact asupra reliefului; Workshop Fieldtrip; Danube Defile.



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