Redacție 0760 013 746, 0726 390 815 Tipografie 0799 210 566 Librărie 0760 013 746
Relații cu publicul redacție: luni-vineri 9.00-13.00

MANAGER. NO. 28/2018

  • Autor: volum colectiv
  • An aparitie: 2021
  • Numar de pagini: 136
  • Format: B5
  • ISSN; ISSN-L: 1453-0503
  • Limba textului: engleză

14,00 lei

Our goal is to define the organization from a multiple point of view: economic, social, cultural, educational, juridical and informational. Taking into account the dynamics of the socio-economic systems, the preoccupation of the editorial board regards all aspects of interest to the organization: public administration; communication, PR and advertising; economy, finance and accounting; IT; legislation; management; marketing and sales; training and consultancy; personalities.


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