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Relații cu publicul redacție: luni-vineri 9.00-13.00


  • Autor: Florentina VIŞAN, Ruxandra-Oana RAIANU (editori)
  • An aparitie: 2013
  • Numar de pagini: 212
  • Format: B5
  • ISSN; ISSN-L: 2067-1547

27,50 lei

MIND-HEART is an important parameter for the legitimacy of a cultural area such as Eastern Asia.
A key word in Chinese, Japanese and Coreean thought, the HEART is not seen merely as a vital centre, since it is the one that controls the exchange Sky-Earth, that maintains man’s vital force and develops his moral instinct. By its nature, man’s heart is all-encompassing and as free as the Sky.
Interested in those elements capable of initiating a dialogue between cultural traditions, the Conference of the Department of Oriental Languages and Literatures has chosen this topic of the “heart and its cultural representations” as the guiding topic for the year 2012.
Choosing the mind as a key to understanding the way of thinking of a culture, the contributors explore different facets of the East-Asian MIND by focusing on topical issues in philosophy, linguistics and religion. The result is a unified volume which is a contribution to the hermeneutics of cross-cultural interpretation and investigation of this topic.
(Articole dedicate noţiunii MINTE-INIMĂ în mentalitatea chineză, japoneză şi coreeană).



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